Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 152
Síntesis de nanopartículas metálicas con extracto de té verde: caracterización física y biológica
(Universidad de Sonora, 2016)
Estudios quimicocuánticos de nanopartículas semiconductoras en fase gas
Síntesis de nanopartículas de plata en espumas y microemulsiones no acuosas y su caracterización
(Universidad de Sonora, 2009)
Vulnerability to contamination of the Zaachila aquifer, Oaxaca, Mexico
The aquifer of Zaachila was evaluated following conventional methods (DRASTIC, AVI, and GOD). Depth to the water table was established from a set of wells. Accordingly, the groundwater flows from N to S. Hydraulic conductivity ...
Phase and rheological behavior of the hexadecyl(trimethyl)azanium; 2-hydroxybenzoate/water system
The temperature-composition phase diagram in the diluted region of the cationic surfactant cetyldimethylbenzylammonium salicylate/water system was studied with a battery of techniques. The Krafft temperature (Tk = 33 1 ...
Microarrays, antiobesity and the liver.
In this review, the microarray technology and especially oligonucleotide arrays are exemplified with a practical example taken from the perilipin-/- mice and using the dChip software, available for non-lucrative purposes. ...