Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 298
Estimating the gasoline components and formulations toxicity to microalgae (Tetraselmis chuii) and oyster (Crassostrea rhizophorae) embryos: an approach to minimize environmental pollution risk
Even though petrochemical contamination frequently occurs in the form of oil spills, it is thought that a greater danger to coastal habitats is posed by chronic petrochemical toxicity associated with urban run-off, in which ...
Harnessing algal power: Algal membrane photobioreactors revolutionizing toxic wastewater matter separation and treatment–A comprehensive review
(Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2024)
Effect of mercury in the influx and efflux of nutrients in the microalga Desmodesmus armatus
(ElsevierBioprocesosÁmsterdam, Países Bajos, 2023)
Concentrações ambientais de cobre induzem ao acúmulo de biomoléculas em Ankistrodesmus fusiformis
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarCâmpus São CarlosBiotecnologia - Biotec, 2023-03-24)
Microalgae are important photosynthetic organisms and have a fundamental role as the base of the food chain. Additionally, they are also one of the main ways that nutrients and other substances, such as heavy metals, enter ...
Toxicity of biodiesel, diesel and biodiesel/diesel blends: comparative sub-lethal effects of water-soluble fractions to microalgae species
The water-soluble-fractions (WSF) from biodiesel and biodiesel/diesel blends were compared to diesel in their sub-lethal toxicity to microalgae. Chemical analyses of aromatics, non-aromatics hydrocarbons and methanol were ...
Toxicity of biodiesel, diesel and biodiesel/diesel blends: comparative sub-lethal effects of water-soluble fractions to microalgae species
The water-soluble-fractions (WSF) from biodiesel and biodiesel/diesel blends were compared to diesel in their sub-lethal toxicity to microalgae. Chemical analyses of aromatics, non-aromatics hydrocarbons and methanol were ...
Uso de microalgas no tratamento de efluentes da indústria sucroalcooleiraUse of microalgae in the treatment of effluents from the sugar and alcohol industry
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilEngenharia Química, 2021)