Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 95
Regularización de problemas inversos mal condicionados mediante la minimización de funcionales de tipo Tikhonov-Phillips doblemente generalizados
En esta tesis se aborda la regularización de problemas inversos mal condicionados desde el enfoque determinístico de su resolución y, en este contexto, se presentan los métodos de Tikhonov-Phillips en sus versiones clásica, ...
GKB-FP: an algorithm for large-scale discrete ill-posed problems
(SpringerDordrechtHolanda, 2010)
Directional convergence of spectral regularization method associated to families of closed operators
(Springer, 2013-04)
We consider regularized solutions of linear inverse ill-posed problems obtained with generalized Tikhonov–Phillips functionals with penalizers given by linear combinations of seminorms induced by closed operators. Convergence ...
Extension of GKB- FP algorithm to large- scale general- form Tikhonov regularization
(Wiley-blackwellHobokenEUA, 2014)
On a generalization of Reginska's parameter choice rule and its numerical realization in large-scale multi-parameter Tikhonov regularization
(Elsevier Science IncNew YorkEUA, 2012)
Size Distribution of Nanoparticles by Dynamic Light Scattering. Comparison of Bayesian and Tikhonov Inversion Methods
(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2012-10)
The diameter distribution of nanometric particles is estimated from multiangle dynamic light scattering (MDLS) measurements by solving an ill-conditioned nonlinear inverse problem through Tikhonov and Bayesian methods. ...
Regularización de Tipo Tikhonov-Phillips con Penalizantes Generales para Problemas Inversos mal Condicionados
En esta tesis se aborda el estudio de los métodos de regularización de “tipo” Tikhonov-Phillips con penalizantes generales para problemas inversos mal condicionados desde un punto de vista general. En este contexto y en ...
Anisotropic BV–L2 regularization of linear inverse ill-posed problems
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2017-06)
During the last two decades several generalizations of the traditional Tikhonov-Phillips regularization method for solving inverse ill-posed problems have been proposed. Many of these variants consist essentially of ...
Regularization of Inverse Ill-Posed Problems with General Penalizing Terms: Applications to Image Restoration
(Asociación Argentina de Mecánica Computacional, 2010-11)
The Tikhonov-Phillips method is widely used for regularizing ill-posed problems due to the simplicity of its formulation as an optimization problem. The use of different penalizers in the functionals associated to the ...