Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 367
Existence and uniqueness of solution for two one-phase Stefan problems with variable thermal coefficients
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2019-08)
One dimensional Stefan problems for a semi-infinite material with temperature dependent thermal coefficients are considered. Existence and uniqueness of solution are obtained imposing a Dirichlet, a Neumann or a Robin type ...
Stefan problems for the diffusion-convection equation with temperature-dependent thermal coefficients
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2021-09)
Different one-phase Stefan problems for a semi-infinite slab are considered, involving a moving phase change material as well as temperature dependent thermal coefficients. Existence of at least one similarity solution is ...
Density, thermal expansion coefficient, and rheological behaviour of meat extract under different temperatures and solids concentrations
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2016-05-01)
Meat extract is a product with a high aggregated value obtained by concentrating cooking broth from meat products. To optimize project design and processing, we determined experimental values of the density and rheological ...
Diamond thermal expansion measurement using transmitted X-ray back-diffraction
(Wiley-blackwellHobokenEUA, 2005)
Simultaneous determination of two unknown thermal coefficients through a mushy zone model with an overspecified convective boundary condition
(Pushpa Publishing House, 2016-05)
We have considered the simultaneous determination of two unknown thermal coefficients for a semi-infinite material which was under a phase-change process with a mushy zone according to the model of Solomon, Wilson and ...
Two Stefan problems for a non-classical heat equation with nonlinear thermal coefficients
(Khayyam Publishing, 2014-11)
The mathematical analysis of two one-phase unidimensional and non-classical Stefan problems with nonlinear thermal coecients is obtained. Two related cases are considered, one of them has a temperature condition on the ...
Non-classical Stefan problem with nonlinear thermal coefficients and a Robin boundary condition
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2019-10)
A non-classical one dimensional Stefan problem with thermal coefficients temperature dependent and a Robin type condition at fixed face x=0 for a semi-infinite material is considered. The source function depends on the ...
Auxiliary functions in the study of Stefan-like problems with variable thermal properties
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2020-06)
We address the existence and uniqueness of the so-called modified error function that arises in the study of phase-change problems with specific heat and thermal conductivity given by linear functions of the material ...
Residual stresses in Y-TZP crowns due to changes in the thermal contraction coefficient of veneers
(Academy of Dental MaterialsWashington, 2013)
Objective. To test the hypothesis that the difference in the coefficient of thermal contraction
of the veneering porcelain above (˛liquid) and below (˛solid) its Tg plays an important role in
stress development during a ...