Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 46
Class I TCP transcription factors regulate trichome branching and cuticle development in Arabidopsis
(Oxford University Press, 2020-09)
Trichomes and the cuticle are two specialized structures of the aerial epidermis that are important for plant organ development and interaction with the environment. In this study, we report that Arabidopsis thaliana plants ...
Spatial control of gene expression by miR319-regulated TCP transcription factors in leaf development
(American Society of Plant Biologist, 2018-02)
The characteristic leaf shapes we see in all plants are in good part the outcome of the combined action of several transcription factor networks that translate into cell division activity during the early development of ...
Class I TCP proteins TCP14 and TCP15 are required for elongation and gene expression responses to auxin
(Springer, 2020-09)
In this work, we analyzed the response to auxin of plants with altered function of the class I TEOSINTE BRANCHED 1, CYCLOIDEA, PCF (TCP) transcription factors TCP14 and TCP15. Several SMALL AUXIN UP RNA (SAUR) genes showed ...
Class I TCP transcription factors activate the SAUR63 gene subfamily in gibberellin-dependent stamen filament elongation
(American Society of Plant Biologist, 2020-01)
In autogamous plants like Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), stamen filament elongation must be finely regulated to ensure that anthers reach the pistil at the correct developmental stage. In this work, we studied the ...
TCP transcription factors: architectures of plant form
(De Gruyter, 2013-04)
After its initial definition in 1999, the TCP family of transcription factors has become the focus of a multiplicity of studies related with plant development at the cellular, organ, and tissue levels. Evidence has accumulated ...
El papel de factores de transcripción de la familia TCP en la regulación del desarrollo y la arquitectura vegetal
Las proteínas TCP son factores de transcripción exclusivos de plantas y están involucrados en la regulación de múltiples procesos dentro del desarrollo de las mismas. En la primera parte de esta Tesis, hemos logrado dilucidar ...
Estudios funcionales de factores de transcripción vegetales de la familia TCP. Análisis de su participación en la regulación del crecimiento y la proliferación celular, y en la coordinación de la biogénesis mitocondrial.
Dado el escaso conocimiento existente sobre las proteínas TCP de clase I, el objetivo general de esta tesis fue realizar un estudio funcional de ciertos miembros de esta subfamilia de factores de transcripción, a fin de ...
Class I and class II TCP transcription factors modulate SOC1-dependent flowering at multiple levels
(Oxford University Press, 2017-09)
Determinants of the DNA binding specificity of class I and class II TCP transcription factors
(American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2012-01)
TCP proteins constitute a family of plant transcription factors with more than 20 members in angiosperms. They can be divided in two classes based on sequence homology and the presence of an insertion within the basic ...