Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 72
Caldera events in a rift depocentre: an example from the Jurassic Neuquén basin, Argentina
(Geological Soc Publ House, 2013-05-24)
We analyse the volcanic stratigraphy of the Lower Jurassic synrift sequence of the Sañicó depocentre, which is a sub-basin of one of the most important hydrocarbon basins in South America, the Neuquén rift basin. The Sañicó ...
Review of the chronostratigraphic charts in the Sinú-San Jacinto basin based on new seismic stratigraphic interpretations
(Brasil, 2014)
Disperse and punctual studies; absence of integration of data ranging from local to regional focus; interpretations based only on lithostratigraphic features; and interpretation of data premised on an allochthonous origin ...
Alluvial fan deposition along a rift depocentre border from the Neuquén Basin, Argentina
(Elsevier Science, 2014-03)
The interaction between hangingwall block rotation and alluvial deposition is examined from Late Triassic–Early Jurassic successions exposed along the Catán Lil half-graben border fault system in the Neuquén Basin, Argentina. ...
Syn- and post-sedimentary controls on clay mineral assemblages in a tectonically active basin, Andean Argentinean foreland
(Elsevier, 2014-04)
In the northern part of the Calchaquí Valley (NW Argentina), Palaeogene Andean foreland sediments are represented by a 1,400-metre-thick continental succession (QLC: Quebrada de Los Colorados Formation) consisting of ...
Impact of volcanism on the sedimentary record of the Neuquén rift basin, Argentina: towards a cause and effect model
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2018-02)
The analysis of volcano-sedimentary infill in sedimentary basins constitutes a challenge for basin analysis and hydrocarbon exploration worldwide. In order to understand the contribution of volcanism to the sedimentary ...
Tectono-sedimentary history of marine forearc basins linked to the evolution of the south central chilean margin (33?30Æ-37?S); insights from seismic data and analogue simulations.
The origin and tectono-sedimentary development of marine forearc basins on both, slope and shelf, is strongly linked to the evolution of material transfer at a convergent margin and consequently with the morphology of ...
(Sociedade Brasileira de Geologia, 2018)