Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 12
Group theoretical analysis of a quantum-mechanical three-dimensional quartic anharmonic oscillator
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2015-05)
This paper illustrates the application of group theory to a quantum-mechanical three-dimensional quartic anharmonic oscillator with Oh symmetry. It is shown that group theory predicts the degeneracy of the energy levels ...
On the symmetry of four particles in a one-dimensional box with harmonic interaction
(Springer, 2018-02)
We show that a system of four particles in a one-dimensional box with a two-particle harmonic interaction can by described by means of the symmetry point group Oh. Group theory proves useful for the discussion of both the ...
Vibronic intensities in centrosymmetric coordination compounds of the rare earths Part II. A vibronic crystal field-closure-ligand polarisation model and applications to the PrCl3-6 and UBr2-6 complex ions in octahedral symmetry
(Elsevier, 1997)
A symmetry adapted formalism to evaluate the vibronic intensities induced by the ungerade vibrational modes in centrosymmetric coordination compounds of the rare earths is put forward and applied to several selected ...
The dual descriptor to measure local reactivity on buckminster fullerenes: an analysis within the framework of conceptual dft
(SPRINGER, 2010)
The Buckminster fullerene C-60 molecule was analyzed from the point of view of global and local reactivity. In particular, the dual descriptor-a local reactivity descriptor derived from conceptual density functional ...
High-Level Electron Correlation of the Indirect Nuclear Spin-Spin Coupling Constants in Some Small Diboranes and Lithium-Doped Diboranes
(Wiley-VCH, 2021-06)
We have investigated the spin-spin coupling constants (SSCC's) of diborane(4) and diborane(6), their Li-doped counterparts, and the dimerization of diborane(6), using the second order polarization propagator approximation ...
Intra and inter-specific communication in Heliconius
Heliconius butterflies are an excellent example of Müllerian mimicry, where phylogenetically distant species converge to nearly identical wing phenotype when occurring in sympatry. However, few studies have comprehensively ...
Prototipo de programa computarizado en realidad virtual para la enseñanza de la anatomía cerebral a estudiantes de psicología en la Universidad de la Costa
(Universidad de la CostaMaestría en Ingeniería, 2019)