Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1561
Capital turístico e as Teorias Sociais de Marx, Bourdieu e Putnam
(Revista Turismo em Análise, 2016)
The purpose of this analysis is to promote theoretical and methodological debate on the conceptual bases of the construction of a new concept in tourist know of the field, called the tourist capital. This subject has as ...
Power dynamics: Disrupting or maintaining of the coffee industry as an institutionA dinâmica do poder: ruptura ou permanência da indústria do café como instituição
This study examines the role of symbolic capital in the maintenance and disruptionof patterns of institutional control. This article explores how the power relationsof coffee roasters have survived the changing nature of ...
Association between symbolic capital from citation and altmetrics indicators and institutional scientific capital: analysis of articles with bourdieusian theoretical referenceAssociação entre o capital simbólico advindo dos indicadores de citação e altmétricos e o capital científico institucional: análise de artigos com referencial teórico bourdieusiano
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Faculdade de Biblioteconomia e Comunicação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação (Porto Alegre/RS), 2023)
Trayectorias social y escolar de alumnos del Doctorado en Estudios Regionales del Centro Universitario de Los Altos
(Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencias, 2019)
ProUni: revolução simbólica na vida dos beneficiáriosProUni: symbolic revolution in beneficiaries lives
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2016)
Capitales de liderazgo en las protestas territoriales: El caso de dos movimientos sociales en la Patagonia chilena
(Universidad de Magallanes, 2020)
The recent literature on social movements has highlighted the fundamental role of leaders in
their emergency and development. One of the most important discussions in this regard has focused on understanding the relationship ...
Redes globales y contextos locales: interacciones e interpenetraciones.
(Universidad del Zulia, 2013)