Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 999
Switching Control Strategy to Minimize Dual Active Bridge Converter Losses
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2009-07-31)
A switching control strategy to control the power flow and minimize the total power losses of the dual active bridge converter topology is proposed in this paper. The control strategy consists of driving the bridge with ...
A clean four-quadrant sinusoidal power rectifier using multistage converters for subway applications
A special 27-level four-quadrant rectifier for subway applications is analyzed. The arrangement uses only three H-bridges per phase, common dc bus, and independent input transformers for each H-bridge. The transformers ...
Network reconfiguration and loss allocation in a deregulated environment of distribution systems
Low flexibility and reliability in the operation of radial distribution networks make those systems be constructed with extra equipment as sectionalising switches in order to reconfigure the network, so the operation quality ...
Cascaded Nine-Level Inverter for Hybrid-Series Active Power Filter, Using Industrial Controller
An industrial controller, specifically designed for two- and three-level converters, was adapted to work on an asymmetrical nine-level active power filter (APF). The controller is now able to make all required tasks for ...
Assessment of marginal bone loss around Platform-matched and platform-switched implants - A prospective study
The aim of the present study was to perform a software-assisted radiographic assessment of the effect of platform-switching on marginal bone loss (MBL) around dental implants. Forty patients requiring a dental implant in ...
Platform-switching implants and bone preservation: A systematic review and meta-analysis
The aim of this study was to perform a systematic review and meta-analysis to evaluate the possible benefits of platform-switching (PSW) implants when compared to regular platform (RP) implants in the categories of bone ...
Optimisation-based switch allocation to improve energy losses and service restoration in radial electrical distribution systems
This study presents a newmethodology for the optimal allocation of switching devices in radial electrical distribution systems (EDSs). A specialised greedy randomised adaptive search procedure (GRASP) algorithm defines the ...
Efeitos da Plataforma Switching na perda óssea periimplantar
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2013-12-17)
The bone loss in implant region upon the first implant thread level was considered acceptable over the years. Nevertheless, such loss also adversely affects mainly the esthetic areas with lack of osseous availability. The ...
A DC-DC converter based on the three-state switching cell for high current and voltage step-down applications
This paper presents a pulsewidth modulation dc-dc nonisolated buck converter using the three-state switching cell, constituted by two active switches, two diodes, and two coupled inductors. Only part of the load power is ...
A DC-DC converter based on the three-state switching cell for high current and voltage step-down applications
This paper presents a pulsewidth modulation dc-dc nonisolated buck converter using the three-state switching cell, constituted by two active switches, two diodes, and two coupled inductors. Only part of the load power is ...