Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 180
The basic education in Sweden and Brazil: Some similarities and differencesA educação básica na suécia e no Brasil: Algumas semelhanças e diferenças
This article proposes to analyze the basic education system of Sweden and to compare it with the basic education system of Brazil. We consider it relevant to compare the two systems of Basic Education, despite the significant ...
Itinerários de Ludvig Gideon Kumlien e a (re)produção da ginástica sueca (1895-1921)
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilFAE - FACULDADE DE EDUCAÇÃOPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Educação - Conhecimento e Inclusão SocialUFMG, 2019-12-10)
This research focuses on examining the role played by Ludvig Kumlien (1874-1934) in (re)production the Swedish Gymnastics. This aims research problematize the active role of individuals in the creation of ways of practicing ...
Barriers to a wider Implementation of LMS in Higher Education: a Swedish case study, 2006-2011
(FernUniversität Hagen, 2013)
This article investigates barriers to a wider utilization of a Learning Management System (LMS). The study aims to identify the reasons why some tools in the LMS are rarely used, in spite of assertions that the learning ...
Barriers to a wider Implementation of LMS in Higher Education: a Swedish case study, 2006-2011
(FernUniversität Hagen, 2013)
This article investigates barriers to a wider utilization of a Learning Management System (LMS). The study aims to identify the reasons why some tools in the LMS are rarely used, in spite of assertions that the learning ...
Capacitive DNA detection driven by electronic charge fluctuations in a graphene nanopore
(Amer Physical Soc, 2015)
Understanding adaptive capacity and capacity to innovate in social–ecological systems: applying a gender lens
(SpringerRoyal Swedish Academy of Sciences, 2021)
Innovation System Research and Policy Where it came from and where it might go
(Paper to be presented at CAS Seminar, Oslo, December 4, 2007, 2016)