Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 92526
Housing research project. (Development planning series; no. T.2/2-1.)
(Ministry of Finance, Town and Country Planning Division., 2011-09-06)
Sample survey of household size, mobility, tenure, schedule, age structure, marital status, employment and education within households, housing design and cost data and social aspects, in preparation for regional planning ...
CAMERON D. OVEY (editor). Swanscombe Skull, The. A Survey of research on a Pleistocene Site.CAMERON D. OVEY (editor). Swanscombe Skull, The. A Survey of research on a Pleistocene Site.CAMERON D. OVEY (editor). Swanscombe Skull, The. A Survey of research on a Pleistocene Site.
(Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas, 2010)
CAMERON D. OVEY (editor). Swanscombe Skull, The. A Survey of research on a Pleistocene Site.CAMERON D. OVEY (editor). Swanscombe Skull, The. A Survey of research on a Pleistocene Site.CAMERON D. OVEY (editor). Swanscombe Skull, The. A Survey of research on a Pleistocene Site.
(Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas, 2010)
Technical report of the preliminary findings of the informal survey, 1989-90: Hillside agriculture sub-project
(IICA, 1991)
This reports is comprised of five sections: 1. the survey process 2.presentatios of actual findings 3. examinations of mains trends 4. Conclusión and recommendatios and 5. Appendices
The main goals of the Hillside ...
How “Friendly” Integrated Development Environments Are?
(Springer Verlag, 2019)
Records Survey and information mapping: interlocution between records management and information management
(Univ Federal Rio Grande Sul, Fac Biblioteconomia & Comunicacao, 2018-09-01)
Archival Science has methodologies capable of assisting the organizations about informative issues, since an archivist in their organization work needs to collect a lot of information by using records survey. Often, the ...
Reflections on Multi-method Research: developing an ethnohistorical survey of an indigenous community
(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales, 2018)