Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 848
The inspection activity and the rights of the administrated: The inspection reportsLa actividad de fiscalización y derechos de los administrados: Las actas de inspección
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022)
Supervisão escolar S/A: a produção de supervisoras gerentes em um programa de formação continuada
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2014)
The central theme of this dissertation is the school supervision and it investigates the settings of this field of knowledge in the Contemporary. It is intended to show, in this research, the complex series of relationships ...
Supervisão escolar S/A: a produção de supervisoras gerentes em um programa de formação continuada
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2014)
The central theme of this dissertation is the school supervision and it investigates the settings of this field of knowledge in the Contemporary. It is intended to show, in this research, the complex series of relationships ...
Unsupervised Dialogue Act Classification with Optimum-Path Forest
Dialogue Act classification is a relevant problem for the Natural Language Processing field either as a standalone task or when used as input for downstream applications. Despite its importance, most of the existing ...
Hardware para un sistema de supervisión remoto
RESUMEN: El título de este trabajo de tesis es “Hardware de un Sistema de Supervisión Remoto”, debido a la necesidad que tiene la industria nacional para incorporar en sus instalaciones, sistemas de supervisión y control ...
How banks respond to Central Bank supervision: evidence from Brazil
(Elsevier Science Inc, 2015-08)
Central Bank supervision is one of the pillars of capital regulation. Based on a unique database built using supervision data from the Central Bank of Brazil, we evaluate the effectiveness of the Central Bank's supervision ...
The organizations of financial supervision and its incidence in the prevention of criminal activityLos organismos de supervisión financiera y su incidencia en la prevención de la actividad delictiva
(Universidad Metropolitana de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología, 2018)
Um estudo das práticas de disseminação de informação de contratos administrativos nos portais eletrônicos das universidades federais da região sudeste
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Gestão de Organizações e Sistemas Públicos - PPGGOSPCâmpus São Carlos, 2018-03-20)
Social participation is fundamental to the control of state action, ensuring transparency to acts of Public Administration. Fiscal transparency is established for in Complementary Law 101/2000, ensuring transparency as a ...