Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 60
Comportamiento Superelástico de una Aleación cu-11.8%p.al-0.5 %p.be, para Aplicaciones en Ingeniería Antisísmica
(Universidad de Chile, 2007)
El objetivo general de esta memoria es estudiar el comportamiento superel´astico de la
aleaci´on Cu-11.8 %pAl-0.5 %pBe, bajo distintas condiciones de temperatura, microestructura,
amplitud y frecuencia de oscilaci´on, ...
Características estruturais e propriedades mecânicas de fios ortodônticos de níquel-titânio
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2006-03-29)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate and to compare the thermomechanical properties of three distinct rectangular orthodontic NiTi wires by means of structural caracterization, torsion and tensile tests. In addition, ...
Análise numérica da resposta de implantes odontológicos com abutment de liga superelástica
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2006-03-22)
Excessive loads over dental implants can cause marginal crest decrease through bone reabsoption or collapse of the components of the bone-implant system. The transmission reduction of the masticatory impacts to the bone ...
Fios ortodônticos superelásticos e sua aplicabilidade na clínica ortodôntica: revisão da literatura
During clinical routine, the orthodontist uses several materials, which include metallic alloys in the form of metallic wires. However, it is necessary that the professional has some knowledge of the properties of those ...
Aleaciones de níquel titanio en la manufacturación de las limas en endodoncia
(Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, 2017-10-26)
La aleación de níquel titanio fue descubierta por el ingeniero metalúrgico William Buehler en el año de 1963 en la Base Naval Ordnance Laboratory en Maryland, Estados Unidos.
La denominó NITINOL por los elementos de la ...
Avaliação comparativa das características estruturais e mecânicas de fios ortodônticos de NiTi e de suas propriedades funcionais
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2017-05-22)
The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the mechanical and structural properties of three different brands of NiTi orthodontic wires. The sample comprised of three superelastic (SE) and three thermoactivated (TA) ...
Efeito da deformação cíclica nas propriedades mecânicas de uma liga níquel-titânio superelástica
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2005-03-23)
The effect of cyclic rotary bending strains on martensitic and reverse transformation temperatures, on mechanical properties and on recovery strain capacity, was investigated in this work, using wires of a superelastic ...
Caracterização da fadiga mecânica de baixo ciclo em ligas superelásticas de NiTi
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2006-12-06)
The continuous growth of the use of superelastic alloys, especially those of the Ni-Ti system, in medical and odontologic applications, together with the growing trend to less invasive procedures, have imposed an ever ...