Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 492
Sulcus vocalis: evidence for autosomal dominant inheritance
(Funpec-editora, 2011-01-01)
We found evidence of autosomal dominant hereditary transmission of sulcus vocalis. Four dysphonic patients from three generations of the same family were submitted to videolaryngoscopic examination (three patients) and to ...
Sulcus vocalis: evidence for autosomal dominant inheritance
(Funpec-editora, 2011-01-01)
We found evidence of autosomal dominant hereditary transmission of sulcus vocalis. Four dysphonic patients from three generations of the same family were submitted to videolaryngoscopic examination (three patients) and to ...
Needle guided ab interno technique for tube insertion through the ciliary sulcus in uncontrolled glaucoma
(SAGE Publications, 2022)
Purpose: To describe a modified ab interno technique for the tube implantation from a glaucoma draining device into the ciliary sulcus. Materials and methods: The modified ab interno technique was performed on four eyes ...
Sulcus vocalis: evidence for autosomal dominant inheritance
(Funpec-editora, 2014)
Morphological development of the neopallium during the prenatal stage in alpaca (Vicugna pacos)Desarrollo morfológico del neopalio durante la etapa prenatal en alpaca (Vicugna pacos)
(Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria, 2022)
Characterization of the Buccula, Rostrum, Stridulatory Sulcus, Scutellum, and External Female Genitalia of Triatoma carcavalloi (Jurberg, Rocha & Lent, 1998), Triatoma circummaculata (Stål, 1859), and Triatoma rubrovaria (Blanchard, 1843) (Hemiptera, Reduviidae, Triatominae)
(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2020)
Stridulation in the wild kissing bug Mepraia spinolai: description of the stridulatory organ and vibratory disturbance signal
(Taylor & Francis, 2020)
Stridulation is a type of communication in which a mechanical signal is emitted by the friction of two rigid structures. Stridulation is present in kissing bugs (Reduviidae: Triatominae), where the friction of the proboscis ...
Stridulation in the wild kissing bug Mepraia spinolai: description of the stridulatory organ and vibratory disturbance signal
(Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2019)
Stridulation is a type of communication in which a mechanical signal is emitted by the friction of two rigid structures. Stridulation is present in kissing bugs (Reduviidae: Triatominae), where the friction of the proboscis ...