Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 26
Characterization of anatomy, lignin distribution, and response to pretreatments of sugarcane culm node and internode
Sugarcane culm has different types of tissue organization, and its heterogeneity can influence the bagasse quality generated in the sugar/ethanol industry. The heterogeneity of the sugarcane bagasse contributes to the ...
Evaluation of the acidity in the juice from different parts of the stem of sugarcane, cycle 2010/2011
(Interciencia, 2014-04-01)
The acidity levels present in the juice of sugarcane can cause problems in its processing. This study aimed to compare the values of total, volatile and fixed acidity in the juice of the stem nodes and internodes of ...
Inorganic phosphates in juices from different parts of sugarcane stalks (cultivars ctc 9, ctc 15 and ctc 16)
(Interciencia, 2014-04-01)
This study aimed to quantify, the inorganic phosphates in sugarcane juice from nodes and internodes of three sugarcane cultivars. The experimental design was a randomized block in factorial scheme 3x2. The main treatments ...
Evaluación de la acidez en el jugo de diferentes partes del tallo de caña de azúcar, ciclo 2010/2011
The acidity levels present in the juice of sugarcane can cause problems in its processing. This study aimed to compare the values of total, volatile and fixed acidity in the juice of the stem nodes and internodes of ...
Anatomic influence of sugarcane biomass on xylan solubilization
Sugarcane biomasses, such as bagasse and straw, are abundant and represent renewable sources for the production of molecules of economic interest, such as xylan. However, the solubilization methods for this macromolecule ...
Fósforo inorgánico en el jugo de diferentes partes del tallo de los cultivares CTC 9, CTC 15 Y CTC 16 de caña de azúcar
This study aimed to quantify the inorganic phosphates in sugarcane juice from nodes and internodes of three sugarcane cultivars. The experimental design was a randomized block in factorial scheme 3×2. The main treatments ...
Parâmetros de ajustes dos modelos de desenvolvimento foliar de cana-de-açúcar
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBRAgronomiaUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Agronomia, 2014-02-28)
The objectives of this thesis were (i) to identify the expanded leaves number (LNexp) and tips (LNtip) from which there is reduction in the contribution of culm reserves to leaf appearance rate in sugarcane and (ii) the ...