Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 11254
Successful Practices in Mathematics in the End of Elementary School.
(Creative Education, 2016-10-25)
Nowadays, professors are frequently challenged to develop new teach methods while confronting our complex society. This paper exemplifies how mathematic teachers are dealing with the existing challenges. The goal of this ...
School improvement in Trinidad and Tobago: A predictor for the success of educational reform
(School of Education, UWI, St. Augustine, 2008)
This paper focuses on school improvement initiatives undertaken by B.Ed. final year students of the School of Education at The University of the West Indies (UWI). St. Augustine, over the period 1999-2007. Against the ...
Quality education for Latin American countries: analysis and contributions from the Policy on Educational Success of Quebec
(Univ Federal Rio Grande Sul, Fac Biblioteconomia & Comunicacao, 2020-09-01)
This paper aimed at presenting recommendations on high-quality education to Latin American countries' governments by taking the Policy on Educational Success of Quebec as Quebec's main official document to achieve quality ...
Radiographic evaluation of root canal treatment technical quality in a Brazilian population
This investigation aims to assess the prevalence of detectable apical periodontitis in periapical radiographs and the relationship between disease and quality of root fillings performed by undergraduate students. A random ...
Empirical evidence of key success factors in web-based corporate training
Web-based corporate training is increasingly being used by virtue of the fact that companies need to train their personnel equitably by imparting large amounts of knowledge in an affordable manner. However, it is difficult ...
Sucesso educativo: Representações sociais dos alunos de dois prestigiados colégios privados portugueses
(Curriculo sem Fronteiras, 2019)
Intrepid Imperative Pedagogy: A Phenomenological Exploration Into the Experiences of Teachers Who Teach at Hill Top Government Primary, a Low Socioeconomic, High Crime, Urban School in North Trinidad – The Success Stories!
This study analytically investigated the teaching/learning experiences of five teachers at a low socioeconomic, high-crime, urban primary school in Trinidad. It also sought to analyse the academic successes achieved at the ...
Placing your article in appropriate scholarly publications
(Universidad de Valparaíso, 2017)
Implementation of a national mental health intervention in educational communities: What do successful teams do differently?
(Wiley, 2020)
This study aimed to identify the elements that characterize local teams which implement a nationwide preventive mental health intervention in schools and achieve better results. A mixed-methods sequential explanatory design ...