Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 157
Clauses as noun modifiers in Toba (Guaycuruan)
(John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2012)
This paper aims to identify, describe and explain the different coding devices of noun modifying clauses in a corpus of narrative texts in Toba. We expose noun complements and relative clauses together because, in some ...
Estratégias discursivas por meio de orações adverbiais introduzidas por como e se no português
In the view of the theoretical model of Functional Discourse Grammar (Hengeveld & Mackenzie 2008), this study is about clauses introduced by como(as) and se(if) that present the form of an adverbial subordinated clause ...
Orações subjetivas: variância e invariância de padrões na fala e na escrita
This work investigates the variance and invariance of subject clauses patterns in spoken and written contemporary Brazilian Portuguese. I analyze four parameters (category and semantic class of matrix predicate, form of ...
Limits, alienation and post-contractual non-compete clause. Questions from the notions of subordination and dependenceLímites, alienación y cláusula de no competencia postcontractual. Cuestiones desde las nociones de subordinación y dependencia
(Universidad Austral de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales., 2019)
O uso de formas do subjuntivo frente a outras formas verbais na expressão de opinião, condição e finalidade na fala de Salvador
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2018-01-26)
This research analyzes the use of forms of subjunctive versus other verbal forms (indicative and infinitive) in substantive clauses that express opinion (as a complement to the main clauses with the verbs acreditar and ...
The Problems, Rhetorical and Grammatical, in the Teaching of That and Which in Nonrestrictive and Restrictive Adjectival Clauses
El uso de that y which en oraciones subordinadas adjetivas de carácter restrictivo en inglés ha sido definido, durante mucho tiempo, por los profesores de gramática y composición that y which son intercambiables en dichas ...
The Problems, Rhetorical and Grammatical, in the Teaching of That and Which in Nonrestrictive and Restrictive Adjectival Clauses
El uso de that y which en oraciones subordinadas adjetivas de carácter restrictivo en inglés ha sido definido, durante mucho tiempo, por los profesores de gramática y composición that y which son intercambiables en dichas ...
Relative clauses in Uto-Aztecan Languages from the Sierra Tarahumara: an Intra-genetic Panorama with Particular Attention to YaquiConstrucciones relativas en lenguas yuto-aztecas de la Sierra Tarahumara: una panorámica intra-genética con atención al yaqui
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2020)
The Problems, Rhetorical and Grammatical, in the Teaching of That and Wich in Nonrestrictive and Restrictive Adjectival Clauses
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2004)