Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 17058
Subjective lives and economic transformations in Mongolia : Life in the gap
It had been three years since I was last in Mongolia, and things felt unfamiliar. The skyline was crowded by new buildings. Fashion styles had
diversified. Shops and restaurants proliferated. There was also a new
kind ...
The ways of subjectivity: embodiment of the mental
(Univ Fed Rondonia, 2016-01-01)
Since subjectivity is characterized as a philosophical construction, will trace in the following article, the main views that were thought the subject concepts or self , from Aristotle, through cognitivism, probably dating ...
Quality of life of elderly subjects living in basic social dwellings
Background: In Chile, the government is providing basic dwellings to poor elderly subjects that do not have a place to live. These dwellings may be located in buildings or in codominiums. Aim: To assess the quality of life ...
The Subjective Well-Being of Chilean Children Living in Conditions of High Social Vulnerability
This article analyzes the subjective well-being and life satisfaction of 1033 Chilean
children (507 girls and 526 boys) aged 9 to 14 years (M=11.02, SD=1.18) living in
the socio-economic state of poverty. Diferent ...
Psicopolítica, celebrity culture y régimen live en la era de TrumpNorteamérica revista académica del CISAN-UNAMPsychopolitics, Celebrity Culture, and Live Regime in the Trump Era
(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Centro de Investigaciones sobre América del Norte, 2020)
The disease-subject as a subject of literature
(BioMed Central Ltd., 2007)
Based on the distinction between living body and lived body, we describe the disease-subject as representing the impact of disease on the existential life-project of the subject. Traditionally, an individual's subjectivity ...
EXAMINING CHILEANS' SUBJECTIVE WELL-BEINGExamining Chileans' subjective well-being
Taking into account the relevance subjective well-being has acquired in international research and political agendas in the last decade, this dissertation explores people’s judgements and feelings as an essential part of ...
The heterogeneous level of life quality across Chilean regions
(Elsevier, 2017)
This paper integrates the empirical literature attempting to measure quality of life with different philosophical, economic and psychological approaches that shed some light on the contours of the concept. On this basis, ...