Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 251
Creativity and resilience as predictors of career success
Achieving success in today’s society is becoming an increasingly complex endeavor. People must have high levels of creativity and resilience in order to constantly adapt to changing situations and, at the same time, maintain ...
Creativity and resilience as predictors of career success
Achieving success in today’s society is becoming an increasingly complex endeavor. People must have high levels of creativity and resilience in order to constantly adapt to changing situations and, at the same time, maintain ...
Professional success and gender in family medicine: Design of scales and examination of gender differences in subjective and objective success among family physicians
(SAGE Publications, 2016-03)
Two components of professional success have been defined: objective career success (OCS) and subjective career success (SCS). Despite the increasing number of women practicing medicine, gender inequalities persist. The ...
Internal labour market as factor in the career success perceived by an engineer
(Fundação Escola de Comércio Álvares PenteadoBR, 2011-07-07)
The phenomenon of the global crisis in both the financial energy sectors as well as the emergence of new technologies companies consider their success or failure depending on the ability to respond quickly to opportunities ...
Internal labour market as factor in the career success perceived by an engineer
(Fundação Escola de Comércio Álvares PenteadoBR, 2011-07-07)
The phenomenon of the global crisis in both the financial energy sectors as well as the emergence of new technologies companies consider their success or failure depending on the ability to respond quickly to opportunities ...
A influência do estudo de finanças de empresa na performance adaptativa e no sucesso na carreira
Este estudo examinou o impacto do conhecimento e habilidades, obtidos através do estudo de finanças de empresa, na performance adaptativa e no sucesso na carreira de profissionais que ocupam funções na área financeira de ...
Éxito profesional
(Universidad de La Salle. Ediciones Unisalle, 30 d)
Percepção de sucesso na carreira: um estudo com egressos do curso de Administração da Universidade Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA)Perception of career sucess: a study with egresses from the administration course of the Federal University of Pampa (UNIPAMPA)
(Universidade Federal do PampaUNIPAMPABrasilCampus Santana do Livramento, 2021)