Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 27279
Turning math attractive to computer science students: an application-to-model approach
This paper describes an innovative approach to develop the understanding about the relevance of mathematics to computer science. The mathematical subjects are introduced through an application-to-model scheme that lead ...
Undergraduate Students’ Learning of Linear Algebra Through Mathematical Modelling Routes
Mathematical modelling has acquired relevance at all educational levels in the last decades since integrating this activity in instruction provides significant contexts for improving students’ learning, including in linear ...
Bayesian calibration under a student-t model
In this paper we consider linear calibration problems in regressions models with independent errors distributed according to the Student-t distribution. The approach followed is Bayesian, thus, involving the need for the ...
Turning math attractive to computer science students: an application-to-model approach
This paper describes an innovative approach to develop the understanding about the relevance of mathematics to computer science. The mathematical subjects are introduced through an application-to-model scheme that lead ...
Model of students’ learning styles at Elementary School
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Undergraduate students’ modelling routes mediated by technology in the learning of linear transformations
Technology-mediated mathematical modelling has been recognized as a significant learning context. This paper reports on a study aiming to characterize the modelling routes performed by Costa Rican undergraduate students ...
Local influence in null intercept measurement error regression under a Student_t model
(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis LtdAbingdonInglaterra, 2005)
Self-Efficacy Model for Elementary School Students: Case in Indonesia
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Motivating Engineering Students to Math Classes: practical experience teaching Ordinary Differential Equations
(Ieee, 2017-01-01)
Teaching mathematics for engineering students is very important. New undergraduate students are aware that they will need mathematical concepts in professional activities. It is still usual to observe not only the difficulty ...