Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 14834
Does facial structure explain differences in students evaluations of teaching? the role of perceived dominance
(Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2019)
Dominance is usually viewed as a positive male attribute, but this is not typically
the case for women. Using a novel dataset of teacher evaluations in a school of Business
and Economics of a selective university, we ...
Evaluation of Teaching Performance in the Virtual Teaching-Learning Environment, from the Perspective of the Students of the Professional School of Mechanical Engineering
(Universidad Nacional Tecnológica de Lima Sur, 2021)
The objective of this article is to evaluate the effect that virtual teaching learning generates in the evaluation of teaching performance, from the perspective of the students, of the professional mechanical engineering ...
Evaluations of quality teaching for university quality assurance
(School of Education, UWI, St. Augustine, 2008)
Analysis of degree results for The University of the West Indies (UWI), Mona, Jamaica, evidences exponential grade inflation since the introduction, publication, and administrative uses of Student Evaluations of Teaching ...
Evaluation of a teaching ambulatory module of respiratory diseases in the undergraduate medical curriculum
Background:As the focus of healthcare provision shifts towards ambulatory care, increasing attention must now be given to develop opportunities for clinical teaching in this setting. Aim: To assess teacher and students' ...
Observing Teachers
(Daily Express, 2007)
This article reflects on the experience of observing student teachers on teaching practice as part of the clinical supervision of these teachers
(IM)-personal factors influencing LEI students’ teaching effectiveness evaluation
“The universal values implied in the teacher-student relationship have been changing with time, since the way they have been seen and applied; such values and relationship have been confused. Many people consider that the ...
Evaluation of the students and teachers on Information and Communication Technologies in the teaching- learning process: a view from the degree programme in Sociology of the Catholic University of Temuco. A case study
The Impact of Performance Assessment on Students’ Interest and Academic Performance in Science
This study employed action research to assess and evaluate the use of performance assessment as an intervention tool to increase student interest and achievement in a Form 3 integrated science class in a secondary school ...