Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 47721
Associated Family of G-Structure Preserving Minimal Immersions in Semi-Riemannian Manifolds
We prove the existence of an associated family of G-structure preserving minimal immersions into semi-Riemannian manifolds endowed with a compatible infinitesimally homogeneous G-structure. We will study in more details ...
On pairs of polynomial planar foliations
(Juliusz Schauder Ctr Nonlinear StudiesTorunPolónia, 2007)
Structural stability and normal forms of piecewise smooth vector fields on R-3
(Kossuth Lajos Tudomanyegyetem, 2015-01-01)
The main goal of this paper is to exhibit normal forms of generic locally structurally stable piecewise smooth vector fields on R-3. Besides, we construct the homeomorphism that gives the topological equivalence between ...
KittyCat: a cognitive model of structure-form discovery
Cognition is a core subject to understand how humans think and behave. In that sense, it is clear that Cognition is a great ally to Management, as the later deals with people and is very interested in how they behave, ...
What accounts for plural forms of governance structure in the same industry or firm - the case of the Brazilian electricity industry
(ANPAD - Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração, 2016)
Governance structures are described as a spectrum with the market and vertical integration as its poles. During the past decades, the theoretical and empirical work aligned with New Institutional Economics sought to ...
Distortional buckling of simple lipped channel in bending results of the experimental analysis versus direct strength methods
Cold-formed steel members are subject to failure caused by buckling, normally under loads smaller than those corresponding to partial or total yielding of the cross section. The buckling of members in bending can be ...
Ceramic Material Porous Structure Prepared Using Pore-Forming Additives
(Springer, 2017-05)
Porous ceramic materials exhibit high permeability, specific surface, and thermal shock resistance, and therefore they may be used successfully in the production of filters, membranes, and as a substrate for catalytic ...
Rodlike Localized Structure In Isotropic Pattern-Forming Systems
Stationary two-dimensional localized structures have been observed in a wide variety of dissipative systems. The existence, stability properties, dynamical evolution, and bifurcation diagram of an azimuthal symmetry breaking, ...