Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 17233
Promoting Competition: European Union and the Global Competition Order
(Wiley, 2012)
Global developments such as economic interdependence and the proliferation of national and regional competition regimes have created a complex international competition policy environment. The European Commission's DG ...
Promoting Competition: European Union and the Global Competition Order
Global developments such as economic interdependence and the proliferation of national and regional competition regimes have created a complex international competition policy environment. The European Commission's DG ...
Estrat??gias jur??dicas como instrumento de vantagem competitiva ??? a experi??ncia da privatiza????o do Banespa - banco do estado de S??o Paulo S.A
(Universidade Federal da Bahia, 2008)
Competitive intelligence in the service sector: a data visualization approach
This paper presents an alternative methodology for competitive
intelligence through data visualization. The paper evaluates the possibilities
offered by social media to collect data about the customer satisfaction with ...
Marketing strategy and competitiveness: Evidence from Colombian SMEs
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2023)
Competitiveness factors and indexes for construction companies: findings of Chile
Globalization and industry competitiveness has led to an urgent need for an effective competitiveness management strategy. Thus, companies require a better understanding about the definition of competitiveness, factors for ...
HR Training and Development Strategy and Its role in Achieving the Competitive Advantage of Business Organizations.
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Strategic corporate social responsibility management for competitive advantage
(ANPAD - Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração, 2010-09-01)
Corporate social responsibility strategy and competitive advantage are important issues for the contemporary discussion on corporations in society when taking into account social and environmental impacts. Empirically, we ...