Mostrando ítems 1-7 de 7
An integrated model for earthquake risk assessment of buildings
This study is devoted to the formulation and construction of an integrated model for earthquake risk assessment of buildings in seismic regions. The model developed has five stages: i) characterization of ground motion, ...
Three-dimensional inelastic response of an rc building during the northridge earthquake
The three-dimensional inelastic earthquake response of a seven-story reinforced-concrete building during the 1994 Northridge earthquake is studied herein. The objectives of this investigation are as follows: (1) to understand ...
Epistemic uncertainty in the seismic response of RC free-plan buildings
Complex building models consider multiple degrees of freedom and modeling assumptions that influence the accuracy of the predicted seismic response. This study evaluates the epistemic uncertainty inherent to modeling ...
Inelastic behavior of asymmetric multistory buildings
Studied in this paper is the inelastic seismic behavior and design of asymmetric multistory buildings emphasizing, primarily, the use of story shear and torque histories. The following six different structural characteristics ...
Three-dimensional inelastic response of an RC Building during the Northridge earthquake
The three-dimensional inelastic earthquake response of a seven-story reinforced-concrete building during the 1994 Northridge earthquake is studied herein. The objectives of this investigation are as follows: (1) to understand ...
Some fundamental aspects of torsionally coupled structures
Buildings with coupled lateral and torsional motions are continuously cited as classical examples of structural damage during an earthquake. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with a coupledstructure that justifies such ...
Three-dimensional inelastic response of an rc building during the northridge earthquakeJOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERINGJ. Struct. Eng.