Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 18
Taking advantage of storm and waste water retention basins as part of water use minimization in industrial sites
A methodology for water use minimization has been developed by the Clean Technology Network of
Bahia over a 10 year period in joint cooperative programs with the chemical, petrochemical and copper
metallurgy industries ...
Gênese e morfologia de depósitos tecnogênicos na área urbana de Araguaína (TO)
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBRPrograma de Pós-graduação em GeografiaCiências HumanasUFU, 2016)
Diseño de un sistema de captación, almacenamiento y readecuación de las aguas pluviales para el Hotel Alejandría Resort, en el municipio de San Gil, Santander
(Universidad Santo TomásMaestría Ciencias y Tecnologías AmbientalesFacultad de Química Ambiental, 2020-01-20)
Rainwater harvesting systems (RHS) are used as a sustainable alternative to improve the water balance, the water footprint and reduce the economic costs associated with the expenditure of the liquid in the system. This ...
Avaliação de um sistema de aproveitamento da água da chuva em edificação residencial – estudo de caso na cidade de Alegrete – RS
(Universidade Federal do PampaCampus Alegrete, 2017)
Environmental risk assessment of low molecule benzotriazoles in urban road rainwaters in Poland
(ElsevierNetherlands, 2022)
Análisis comparativo de diversas especificaciones actuales sobre las mezclas asfálticas drenantes y su aplicación en las normativas colombianas
(Universidad Santo TomásPregrado Ingeniería CivilFacultad de Ingeniería Civil, 2019-02-12)
Knowing that the pavement is the construction structure that has been used the most by man and occupies twice the area of buildings (Karl M. Smith, 2016); For some years now, research has started to be carried out on the ...
Determinación de la toxicidad de eventos de precipitación en las UPZ Chapinero y Chicó Lago en la localidad de Chapinero de Bogotá D.C.
(Universidad Santo TomásPregrado de Ingeniería AmbientalFacultad de Ingeniería Ambiental, 2019-09-30)
The purpose of this project was to evaluate the toxicity of precipitation events in the Zonal Planning Units (UPZ) Chapinero and Chicó Lago in Bogotá through a bioassay in which the common grass species (Cynodon dactylon) ...
Protocolo para la evaluación de la sostenibilidad en el manejo del recurso hídrico
(Universidad Santo TomásPregrado Ingeniería CivilFacultad de Ingeniería Civil, 2019-08-12)
Colombia is a country with abundant water sources for this reason it is difficult to talk about sustainability in the management of water resources. However, factors such as climate change, population growth, increased ...