Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 759
Effects of intensity and positional predictability of a visual stimulus on simple reaction time
The influence of visual stimuli intensity on manual reaction time (RT) was investigated under two different attentional settings: high (Experiment 1) and low (Experiment 2) stimulus location predictability. These two ...
Validation of mechanical, electrical and thermal nociceptive stimulation methods in horses
(EVJ Ltd., 2015)
To validate a model for investigating the effects of analgesic drugs on mechanical, thermal and electrical stimulation testing. To investigate repeatability, sensitivity and specificity of nociceptive tests. Randomised ...
Stimulus-dependent oscillations and evoked potentials in chinchilla auditory cortex
(SPRINGER, 2008-08)
Besides the intensity and frequency of an auditory stimulus, the length of time that precedes the stimulation is an important factor that determines the magnitude of early evoked neural responses in the auditory cortex. ...
Combining stimulus direction and waveform for optimization of threshold stimulation of isolated ventricular myocytes
(Iop Publishing LtdBristolInglaterra, 2006)
Role of the cardiac nerve in the adaptive changes of heart rate in response to an aversive stimulus in Megalobulimus mogianensis
(Associação Brasileira de Divulgação Científica, 2008)
The effect of an aversive stimulus represented by contact with a hot plate on the heart rate of Megalobulimus mogianensis was evaluated with electrocardiogram recording in intact snails (N = 8). All stimulated animals ...
Discrimination in Fear-Potentiated Startle Conditioning in HumansDiscriminación en el condicionamiento del sobresalto potenciado por el miedo en humanos
(Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, 2021)
Modulation of cortisol responses to an acute stressor in Zebrafish visually exposed to heterospecific fish during development
Studies regarding predator-prey relationships have often focused on prey assessment and the responses to predation risk, but few have verified the relationship in the presence or absence of visual contact with a predator ...