Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 105005
Carta de James Still
Artritis reumatoidea y enfermedad de Chauffard -Still
(Sociedad Chilena de Pediatría, 1945)
Enfermedad de Still
(Sociedad Chilena de Pediatría, 1943)
Water productivity enhancement of a solar still through effective use of both sides of thermoelectric modules
Conventional solar still productivity depends almost exclusively on incident solar energy, varying year round, hence much less productivity is expected in winter months. In this article, the use of thermoelectric modules ...
Artritis reumatoidea "juvenil" de forma sistémica en un lactante menor
(Sociedad Chilena de Pediatría, 1982)
Extraction of semantic objects from still images
(IEEE, 2002)
In this work, we study the extraction of semantic objects from still images. We combine different ideas to extract them in a structured manner together with a perceptual metric that ranks them according with its perceptual ...
Urticaria and dermographism in patients with adult-onset Still's disease
Adult-onset Still's disease (AOSD) patients typically present with arthralgia, fever, lymphadenopathy and a transient salmon maculopapular rash. Only approximately 25 cases of AOSD with urticaria were described in the ...
Tarjeta Postal.
Síndrome de Still
(Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, 2019-10-10)
The present clinical case studied a 47- years old female patient with a pathological history of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus who suspended the usal medication, in addition to characteristic fascies was undergoing cardiogenetic ...