Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 333
Sterilization of money inflows: Difficult (Calvo) or Easy (Reisen)?
(Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 1997-12)
Some countries undergoing exchange-rate-based stabilization and financial liberalization in Latin America and elsewhere have faced large capital inflows since 1991. Many have tried to sterilize the reserve inflows. Calvo ...
Capital flows and their effect on the monetary base
The large capital inflows into some Latin American countries since 1990 are a mixed blessing, for they widen the trade-off between disinflation at home and competitiveness abroad. A large part of the flows seems to be ...
Control of an outbreak of post-transplant cutaneous mucormycosis by removing the vehicle: An intervention study of contiguous cohorts
(Mosby-Elsevier, 2020-07)
Background: An outbreak of post-kidney transplant cutaneous mucormycosis (PK-CM), a severe and even fatal complication in immunocompromised patients, occurred in our institution. The objective of this study was to compare ...
Public savings the effectiveness of sterilized foreign exchange intervention
(Universidad de los AndesMaestría en EconomíaFacultad de Economía, 2017)
"Even though there are theoretical models that support the effectiveness of sterilized Foreign Exchange Intervention (FXI) practiced by central banks uitll the objective of affecting the level and reducing the volatility ...
Intervención esterilizada en los mercados de cambios de América Latina: Brasil, Chile y MéxicoSterilized intervention in Latin America’s foreign exchange markets: Brazil, Chile and Mexico
(Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas, 2011)
Sterilized foreign exchange interventions under inflation targeting
(Banco Central de Chile, 2015)
O impacto da intervenção cambial esterilizada na taxa de juros
(Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora - Campus Avançado de Governador ValadaresBrasilICSA - Instituto Ciências Sociais AplicadasUFJF/GV, 2019)
Foreign Exchange Intervention in Peru
(Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, 2013)
The unprecedented monetary expansion implemented by central banks in developed economies during recent years has induced an extraordinary flow of funds to emerging economies and supported high commodity prices. This has ...
Foreign Exchange Intervention in Peru
(Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, 2013)
The unprecedented monetary expansion implemented by central banks in developed economies during recent years has induced an extraordinary flow of funds to emerging economies and supported high commodity prices. This has ...