Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1174
Two-color discrete localized modes and resonant scattering in arrays of nonlinear quadratic optical waveguides
We analyze the properties and stability of two-color discrete localized modes in arrays of channel waveguides where tunable quadratic nonlinearity is introduced as a nonlinear defect by periodic poling of a single waveguide ...
Switching of discrete optical solitons in engineered waveguide arrays
An effective method for controlling nonlinear switching of discrete solitons in arrays of weakly coupled optical waveguides was discussed. The key ideas of the array engineering by means of a steplike variation of the ...
Simplified calculations for radiation reaction forces
The Lorentz-Dirac equation of motion for the electron is derived by a new method which makes tedious power series expansions unnecessary. Copyright © 1975 American Institute of Physics.
Self-trapping transition for a nonlinear impurity within a linear chain
(American Institute of Physics Inc., 2014)
© 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.In the present work, we revisit the issue of the self-trapping dynamical transition at a nonlinear impurity embedded in an otherwise linear lattice. For our Schrödinger chain example, we present ...
Polarization instability, steering, and switching of discrete vector solitons
We study the dynamics of discrete vector solitons in arrays of weakly coupled birefringent optical waveguides with cubic nonlinear response. We start with a modulational instability analysis, followed by approximate ...
Structure of liquid GeO2 from a computer simulation model
The structural properties of liquid GeO2 were investigated using molecular dynamics simulation. A comparison of the obtained pair correlation functions, coordination number, angular distribution, and both the neutron and ...
Saturable impurity in an optical array: Green function approach
(American Physical Society, 2018)
© 2018 American Physical Society. We examine a one-dimensional linear waveguide array containing a single saturable waveguide. By using the formalism of lattice Green functions, we compute in closed form the localized mode ...
Firing sequence storage using inhibitory synapses in networks of pulsatil nonhomogeneous integrate-and-fire neural oscillators
We discuss a nonhomogeneous population of pulsatil integrate-and-fire neural oscillators, coupled through purely inhibitory synapses. For instantaneous communication, we provide a strategy to generate synaptic couplings ...
Nonideal rheology of semidilute bacterial suspensions
(American Physical Society, 2019)
The rheology of semidilute bacterial suspensions is studied with the tools of kinetic theory, considering binary interactions, going beyond the ideal gas approximation. Two models for the interactions are considered, which ...
Stationary convection in a cylindrical plasma
It is shown that in a current-carrying cylindrical plasma with a free boundary, viscosity and thermal conductivity can lead to large scale steady convection. The physical situation is identical to the case when the plasma ...