Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1153
Endogeneity in adaptive choice contexts: Choice-based recommender systems and adaptive stated preferences surveys
(Elsevier, 2020)
Endogeneity arises in discrete choice models due to several factors and results in inconsistent estimates of the model parameters. In adaptive choice contexts such as choice-based recommender systems and adaptive stated ...
Partisan Cleavages and Changes in Distributive Preferences in Chile
Beliefs about how goods and resources should be distributed in society constitute a central element in the identification with political parties. In this sense, the preference for a more or less active role of the state ...
A multicenter survey of Hispanic caregiver preferences for patient decision control in the United States and Latin America
On the joint valuation of averting fatal and severe injuries in highway accidents
Introduction: To evaluate the benefits of road transport safety projects, planners need the monetary value of averting fatal and severe injuries. Usually, contingent valuation and risk-risk studies have been used. The ...
Stated preference methods and their applicability to environmental use and non-use valuations
Stated preference (SP) methods collect data on consumer tastes by direct
elicitation, in contrast to revealed preference (RP) methods that infer
tastes from observed market demand behavior. Leading SP methods are
choice-based ...
Travel preferences of public transport users under uneven headways
Public transport is affected by different types of randomness which impact the reliability they offer. The source of this randomness may come, for example, from casual uncertainty sources, such as accidents or protests, ...
The impact of traffic images on travel time valuation in stated-preference choice experiments
We develop a simple but modern stated-preference (SP) choice experiment to analyse the impact of traffic images on the estimated value of travel time savings (VTTS). A random subsample of survey respondents view ...
A Survey of University Students’ Preferences for Midwifery Care and Community Birth Options in 8 High-Income Countries.
Introduction: Midwifery care is associated with positive birth outcomes, access to community birth options, and judicious use of interventions. The aim of this study was to characterize and compare maternity care preferences ...
The role of bike sharing stations in the perception of public spaces: A stated preferences analysis
(Elsevier B.V., 2021)
The pervasiveness of bike sharing schemes around the world has the potential to bring important benefits in terms of public health and reduction of congestion and emissions. However, there can be negative externalities ...
The best late season peaches profileO melhor perfil de pêssego tardio
This work aimed to determine the best late season peaches profile via a Best Worst Discrete Choice Experiment. The survey was performed in the city of Zaragoza - Spain, in October 2008. In total, 316 people stated their ...