Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 86
Manipulation of multimode squeezing in a coupled waveguide array
(American Physical Society, 2019)
© 2019 American Physical Society. ©2019 American Physical Society.We present a scheme for generating and manipulating three-mode squeezed states with genuine tripartite entanglement by injecting single-mode squeezed light ...
An analog model for quantum lightcone fluctuations in nonlinear optics
We propose an analog model for quantum gravity effects using nonlinear dielectrics. Fluctuations of the spacetime lightcone are expected in quantum gravity, leading to variations in the flight times of pulses. This effect ...
Transmission estimation at the cram´er-rao bound for squeezed states of light in the presence of loss and imperfect detection
(American Physical Society, 2020)
Enhancing the precision of a measurement requires maximizing the information that can be gained about the quantity of interest from probing a system. For optical-based measurements, such an enhancement can be achieved ...
The permittivity in the Huttner-Barnett theory of QED in dielectrics
(E D P SciencesLes Ulis CedexaFrança, 1998)
Magnon squeezing in an antiferromagnet: Reducing the spin noise below the standard quantum limit
(American Physical Society, 2004-09)
The quantum squeezing of a collective spin-wave excitation (magnon) was investigated using femtosecond optical pulses. The quantum squeezed magnon was used to generate correlations involving pairs of spins in an antiferromagnetic ...
Nonclassical effects in a highly nonlinear generalized homogeneous Dicke model
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2011-09)
An intensity dependent nonlinear coupling model of N two-level atoms (generalized Dicke model) interacting dispersively with a bimodal cavity field via two-photon transitions is investigated in a scenario where the rotating ...
Polarization squeezing and new states of light in quantum optics
The concept of squeezing is discussed for multimode quantum light beams with the consideration of polarization using the polarization gauge SU (2) invariance of free electromagnetic fields. We separate the polarization ...
(Taylor & Francis Ltd LondonLondonInglaterra, 1995)
An analog model for quantum lightcone fluctuations in nonlinear optics
We propose an analog model for quantum gravity effects using nonlinear dielectrics. Fluctuations of the spacetime lightcone are expected in quantum gravity, leading to variations in the flight times of pulses. This effect ...