Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1719
Key Elements of Sports Marketing Activities for Sports Events
Sports marketing activities comprise people, activities, business and organisation in producing, facilitating, promoting or organising any product (as goods, services and events) for a demand of sports supporters. This ...
Static and dynamic reliability of WIMU PRO™ accelerometers according to anatomical placement
(SAGE Publications Ltd, 2019)
Premissas de Marketing Esportivo:Ecossistema, Composto de Marketing e Torcedores
Os programas de Marketing Esportivo compreendem pessoas, atividades, negócios e empresas na
produção, promoção ou organização de ofertas a uma demanda de torcedores esportivos. Este ensaio
tem o objetivo de expor e debater ...
Relative Age And Sports Performance In Elite Athletes According To Gender And Sport Modality
The effect of relative age is a topic to consider in the selection of elite athletes to ensure that a good detection of sporting talents is being carried out during the athlete's growth and maturation phase
Destination image of a city hosting sport event: effect on sponsorship
(Vilnius University, 2015)
Destination image of a city hosting sport event: effect on sponsorship
(Vilnius University, 2015)
The effect of promotional mix on the increased sales of sports products
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Jornalismo esportivo e infotenimento: a (possível) sobreposição do entretenimento à informação no conteúdo jornalístico do esporteSports journalism and infotainment: the (possible) overlay of the entertainment to information in the journalistic content of the sport
(Faculdade de Educação Física da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, 2019)