Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1166
Quality of life and religious-spiritual coping in palliative cancer care patients
(Univ Sao Paulo, Escola De Enfermagem De Ribeirao Preto, 2017-01-01)
Objectives: to compare the quality of life and religious-spiritual coping of palliative cancer care patients with a group of healthy participants; assess whether the perceived quality of life is associated with the ...
The Importance of Spiritual Care in Nursing Practice
(Journal of Holistic Nursing, 2017)
Purpose: Explore what spiritual care means to nurses who work in emergency care units. Design and Method: Nine nursing professionals from an emergency care unit at a private health institution affiliated with the Universidad ...
Spiritual needs of patients with cancer in palliative care: An integrative review
Purpose of review The experience of a life crisis, such as the experience of end-of-life terminality whenever facing cancer can make the spiritual needs of patients clear. The goal of this revision was to synthesize the ...
Comfort and religious-spiritual coping of intensive care patients’ relatives
Objectives: To identify the level of comfort and religious-spiritual coping of family members of intensive care unit patients and to analyse the sociodemographic/clinical variables that influence this association. Methods: ...
Implementation of a palliative hospital-centered spiritual and psychological telehealth system during COVID-19 pandemic
(Elsevier, 2021)
Background. The severity of the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in limited provision of palliative care and hospital teams have had to rise to the challenge of how to deliver care safely to people with palliative needs. ...
Espiritualidade e religiosidade nos cuidados paliativos: um olhar da logoterapia e análise existencial.
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2019-10-30)
In the context of Palliative Care, a field of care focused on the promotion of
quality of life and symptom control in the treatment of potentially life threatening
diseases, which considers the physical, psychological, ...
Espiritualidade e religiosidade nos cuidados paliativos: um olhar da logoterapia e análise existencial.
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2019-10-30)
In the context of Palliative Care, a field of care focused on the promotion of
quality of life and symptom control in the treatment of potentially life threatening
diseases, which considers the physical, psychological, ...
The Spiritism as therapy in the health care in the epilepsy
(Assoc Brasileira Enfermagem, 2016)
Objective: to present a brief history of Spiritism, the vision of epilepsy by Spiritism, and the potential of spirituality and religiosity care as complementary and coadjutants treatments in epilepsy. Method: this is a ...
Spiritist Psychiatric Hospitals in Brazil: Integration of Conventional Psychiatric Treatment and Spiritual Complementary Therapy
In Brazil, during the XX century, dozens of Spiritist psychiatric hospitals emerged seeking to integrate conventional medical treatment with complementary spiritual therapy. This combined inpatient treatment is largely ...
Spiritual coping and psychological symptoms as the end approaches: a closer look on ambulatory palliative care patients
Palliative care providers must seek to improve quality of life despite their patients’ life-threating diseases, based on the concept of total pain, which includes physical, psychological and spiritual pain. Understanding ...