Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 6085
Application of Conservative Power Theory to load and line characterization and revenue metering
This paper proposes a set of performance factors for load characterization and revenue metering. They are based on the Conservative Power Theory, and each of them relates to a specific load non-ideality (unbalance, reactivity, ...
Application of Conservative Power Theory to load and line characterization and revenue metering
This paper proposes a set of performance factors for load characterization and revenue metering. They are based on the Conservative Power Theory, and each of them relates to a specific load non-ideality (unbalance, reactivity, ...
An Efficient Stochastic Reconfiguration Model for Distribution Systems With Uncertain Loads
Active power losses of distribution systems are higher than transmission ones, in which these losses affect the distribution operational costs directly. One of the efficient and effective methods for power losses reduction ...
Quantification of Leishmania (Viannia) Kinetoplast DNA in Ulcers of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Reveals Inter-site and Inter-sampling Variability in Parasite Load
(Public Library of Science, 2015)
BACKGROUND: Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is a skin disease caused by the protozoan parasite Leishmania. Few studies have assessed the influence of the sample collection site within the ulcer and the sampling method on the ...
Real-time PCR assay for detection and quantification of Leishmania (Viannia) organisms in skin and mucosal lesions: Exploratory study of parasite load and clinical parameters
(American Society for Microbiology, 2013)
Earlier histopathology studies suggest that parasite loads may differ between cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) and mucosal leishmaniasis (ML) lesions and between acute and chronic CL. Formal demonstration requires highly ...
A statistical analysis of loss factor to determine the energy losses
Given that the total amount of losses in a distribution system is known, with a reliable methodology for the technical loss calculation, the non-technical losses can be obtained by subtraction. A usual method of calculation ...
A statistical analysis of loss factor to determine the energy losses
Given that the total amount of losses in a distribution system is known, with a reliable methodology for the technical loss calculation, the non-technical losses can be obtained by subtraction. A usual method of calculation ...
Fatigue apparatus for geometrically complex non-standardized specimens
Standard Test Methods (e.g. ASTM, DIN) for materials characterization in general, and for fatigue in particular, do not contemplate specimens with complex geometries, as well as the combination of axial and in-plane bending ...