Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 150
Varying Herbivore Population Structure Correlates with Lack of Local Adaptation in a Geographic Variable Plant-Herbivore Interaction
(Public Library ScienceSan FranciscoEUA, 2011)
Glycoalkaloids of Wild and Cultivated Solanum: Effects on Specialist and Generalist Insect Herbivores
(Springer, 2014-05)
Plant domestication by selective breeding may reduce plant chemical defense in favor of growth. However, few studies have simultaneously studied the defensive chemistry of cultivated plants and their wild congeners in ...
Plant and herbivore ontogeny interact to shape the preference, performance and chemical defense of a specialist herbivore
(Springer, 2018-06-30)
The amount of damage that herbivorous insects impose on plants varies as a function of plant ontogenetic trajectories in tissue quality and defenses, and the herbivores’ own developmental trajectories in body size, mandible ...
Leaf synchrony and insect herbivory among tropical tree habitat specialists
(Springer, 2014-02-01)
Growth defense tradeoff theory predicts that plants in low-resource habitats invest more energy in defense mechanisms against natural enemies than growth, whereas plants in high-resource habitats can afford higher leaf ...
Responses of insect herbivores and herbivory to habitat fragmentation: a hierarchical meta-analysis
(Wiley, 2017-01)
Loss and fragmentation of natural habitats can lead to alterations of plant-animal interactions and ecosystems functioning. Insect herbivory, an important antagonistic interaction is expected to be influenced by habitat ...
A free lunch? No cost for acquiring defensive plant pyrrolizidine alkaloids in a specialist arctiid moth (Utetheisa ornatrix)
(Wiley-blackwellHobokenEUA, 2012)
Resource concentration hypothesis: effect of host plant patch size on density of herbivorous insects
(Springer-Verlag, 1995)
The resource concentration hypothesis (Root 1973) predicts that specialist herbivorous insects should be more abundant in large patches of host plants, because the insects are more likely to find and stay longer in those ...
Host Plant Invests in Growth Rather than Chemical Defense When Attacked by a Specialist Herbivore
(SpringerDordrechtHolanda, 2011)