Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 151
Alunos com deficiência na educação de jovens e adultos em assentamentos paulistas: experiências do PRONERA
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Educação Especial - PPGEEs, 2014-11-17)
The history of our country has shown conflicts over land distribution within a context of social inequality and neglect of the public policies. The production in the area of special education that treats people with ...
Limits and challenges of inclusive education in the countryside: the experience of the MST educational project
(Univ Federal Tocantins, Campus Tocantinopolis, 2020-01-01)
The objective of this research was to analyze the Inclusive Education in MST guiding documents, more specifically, in its education proposal. For the development of the study, bibliographic research and documentary analysis ...
Inclusão e desafios de alunos do ensino regular do campo com necessidades especiais
(UNIFAP – Universidade Federal do AmapáBrasil, 11-06-2019)
The article entitled: Inclusion and challenges of students of the regular education of the countryside with special needs have the main purpose of sensitizing readers about the challenges faced by students with special ...
A escolarização da pessoa com deficiência nas comunidades ribeirinhas da Amazônia Paraense
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Educação Especial - PPGEEsCâmpus São Carlos, 2015-02-26)
In this doctoral research it is questioned: how does the education of students with special needs who attend schools in riverside communities linked to Belém of Pará system of education? The objective is to analyze the ...
(Univ Estadual Paulista-unesp, Fac Ciencias Letras Assis, 2016-01-01)
The performance of the teacher of childhood education with the students of special education target public has assumed relevance in the inclusive educational context, since the mediation of this teacher, as well as the ...
As escolas no campo e as salas multisseriadas no Estado de São Paulo: um estudo sobre as condições da educação escolar
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Educação - PPGE, 2013-02-22)
In this research we tried to describe and analyze the education conditions in the rural area in the state of São Paulo, according to the historic and economic facts that produced this reality. For this reason, first we ...
Percepções de educadoras especiais no processo de alfabetização de alunos com deficiência intelectual
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMCentro de Educação, 2018-12-14)
This research entitled "Perceptions of Special Educators in the Literacy Process of
Students with Intellectual Disabilities", aimed to analyze the pedagogical strategies
that special educators use in the ...
Análise da concepção de práticas educativas nas escolas do campo
(Universidade Federal do PampaUNIPAMPABrasilCampus Dom Pedrito, 2019)
Inclusão escolar e ensino colaborativo: um estudo com professores da rede municipal de ensino de um município do interior do Rio Grande do Sul
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMCentro de Educação, 2021-03-03)
This study is the result of a qualitative research, case study type (Triviños, 1897) that aimed to investigate the teachers of Common Education and Special Education understanding in regards to School Inclusion and ...
Reconhecimento do talento em alunos com perdas auditivas do ensino básico
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Educação Especial - PPGEEs, 2012-11-14)
The thematic of talent is accepted among the special educational needs (SEN) since the 70 s when it was at the Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional for the first time. This group of students hasn t received ...