Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 124
Construção da paisagem aracajuana: modernidade e suas redes marítimas em SergipeConstruction of the Aracaju city landscape: modernity and it´s maritime networks in Sergipe
(Pós-Graduação em ArqueologiaUniversidade Federal de Sergipe, 2018)
Landscape Archeology from a geosystemic perspective: the Piracanjuba archaeological site, municipality of Piraju, state of São Paulo, Brazil
(Editora da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - EDUFU, 2021-06-09)
Studies on the relationship between society and the environment in past time frames have shown the relevance of interdisciplinary research between Geography and Archeology. Based on the theoretical grounds of Landscape ...
Seed rain dynamics following disturbance exclusion in a secondary tropical dry forest in Morelos, Mexico
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2009)
Early arboreal colonization, postglacial resilience of deciduous Nothofagus forests, and the Southern Westerly Wind influence in central-east Andean Patagonia
(Elsevier Ltd, 2019)
The history and dynamics of deciduous Nothofagus forests along the eastern slopes of the central Patagonian Andes (44°-49°S) remain insufficiently studied and understood, particularly at timescales ranging from centuries ...
Un antes y después en el sitio arqueológico Alto del Cardal: una revisión de los recientes trabajos en las laderas del volcán Irazú, Valle Central, Costa Rica
El presente trabajo pretende ser una revisión de los recientes trabajos efectuados en el sitio Alto del Cardal, partiendo de la investigación pionera efectuada por el arqueólogo nacional Carlos Aguilar Piedra ...
Distributional archeology and human biogeography in an Andean-Patagonian landscape