Mostrando ítems 1-9 de 9
A waterborn zoonotic helminthiase in an italian diver: a case report of a cutaneous sparganum infection and a review of european cases
(Taylor and Francis, 2016)
Many waterborne helminthes are opportunistic parasites that can travel directly from animals to man and may contain forms capable of penetrating the skin. Among these, Sparganum is the pseudophyllidean tapeworm that belongs ...
Sparganum in some brazilian vertebrates: problems in the identification of species of Luheella (Spirometra)
(Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, 2020)
First identification and molecular phylogeny of Sparganum proliferum from endangered felid (Panthera onca) and other wild definitive hosts in one of the regions with highest worldwide biodiversity
(Elsevier, 2020-12)
After decades of being neglected, broad tapeworms now attract growing attention thanks to the increasing number of reports from humans but also thanks to many advancements achieved by application of molecular methods in ...
Sparganum in some brazilian vertebrates: problems in the identification of species of Luheella (Spirometra)
(Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, 1992)
Four Case Reports of Cutaneous Sparganosis From Peruvian Amazon
(Wolters Kluwer Health, 2022)
Introduction: Sparganosis is a rare parasitic disease caused by plerocercoid larvae(spargana) of various diphyllobothroid tapeworms of the genus Spirometra. The first diagnosed case of sparganosis in a human being was ...
Philander opossum (Marsupialia), a new host record for Sparganum of Lueheella Baer, 1924 (= Spirometra Mueller, 1937)
(Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, 2019)
Estudio eco-epidemiológico de las equinococcosis del norte de Misiones, Argentina
El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar aspectos ecológicos y epidemiológicos de las Equinococcosis del norte de Misiones. A su vez, generar información sobre otros helmintos parásitos de importancia ecológica y sanitaria. ...
Spargana infection in frogs of genus Pristimantis (Anura, Strabomantidae) from PeruInfestación por esparganos en ranas del genero Pristimantis (Anura, Strabomantidae) del Perú
(Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, 2010)