Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 492
Spontaneous magnetic fluctuations and collisionless regulation of turbulence in the earth's magnetotail
(IOP, 2022)
Among the fundamental and most challenging problems of laboratory, space, and astrophysical plasma physics is
to understand the relaxation processes of nearly collisionless plasmas toward quasi-stationary states and ...
Circularly polarized alfven and ion cyclotron waves in space plasmas
The linear and nonlinear theory of circularly-polarized Alfvdn and ion-cyclotron waves in multicomponent plasmas is reviewed. It is shown that minor heavy- ion components play an important role in the dispersive properties ...
Effects of the background turbulence on the relaxation of ion temperature anisotropy in space plasmas
(Frontiers Media, 2021)
Turbulence in space plasmas usually exhibits two regimes separated by a spectral break that divides the so called inertial and kinetic ranges. Large scale magnetic fluctuations are dominated by non-linear MHD wave-wave ...
Dusty plasma in spaceDusty plasma in space
(Instituto de Geofísica, 2012)
Instabilities; shocks and turbulence in space and astrophysical plasmas
(Asociación Argentina de Astronomía, 2018-10)
The dynamics of plasmas pervading the interplanetary and interstellar medium are often described within the frame of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), which involves the coupling between flows and magnetic fields. This theoretical ...
A combined model of pressure variations in Titan's plasma environment
(American Geophysical Union, 2014-12-29)
In order to analyze varying plasma conditions upstream of Titan, we have combined a physical model of Saturn?s plasma disk with a geometrical model of the oscillating current sheet. During modeled oscillation phases where ...
Energy cascade rate in isothermal compressible magnetohydrodynamic turbulence
(Cambridge University Press, 2018-07)
Three-dimensional direct numerical simulations are used to study the energy cascade rate in isothermal compressible magnetohydrodynamic turbulence. Our analysis is guided by a two-point exact law derived recently for this ...
Intermittency in Hall-magnetohydrodynamics with a strong guide field
(American Institute Of Physics, 2013-05)
We present a detailed study of intermittency in the velocity and magnetic field fluctuations of compressible Hall-magnetohydrodynamic turbulence with an external guide field. To solve the equations numerically, a reduced ...
The zonal motion of equatorial plasma bubbles relative to the background ionosphere
(American Geophysical Union, 2014-07-09)
The zonal motions of plasmas inside equatorial plasma bubbles are different from those in the background ionosphere. The difference was explained in terms of the tilt of bubbles by recent studies, but observational evidence ...
Evolution of equatorial ionospheric plasma bubbles and formation of broad plasma depletions measured by the C/NOFS satellite during deep solar minimum
(American Geophysical Union, 2011-03-08)
An unexpected feature revealed by the measurements of the Communication/Navigation Outage Forecasting System (C/NOFS) satellite is the presence of broad plasma depletions in the midnight–dawn sector during deep solar ...