Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 885
Landscape Epidemiology of Human Onchocerciasis in Southern Venezuela
(Reference Module in Earth Systems, 2014)
Confluencias de las dinámicas socioterritoriales en la construcción de una nueva geopolítica. Escenas al Sur de VenezuelaConfluence of Socio-Territorial Dynamics in the Construction of a New Geopolitics. Scenes in Southern VenezuelaConfluências das dinâmicas socioterritoriais na construção de uma nova geopolítica. Cenas ao sul da Venezuela
(Universidad del Rosario, 2014)
Venezuela has set new territorial structures that coexist with the administrative boundaries (parish, town, state and region) of the development model of the sixties. This vision undergoes a transformation with the proposal ...
Primera descripción del hábitat acuático de Simulium guianense s.l. (Diptera: Simuliidae) en el área endémica de oncocercosis, al sur de VenezuelaFirst description of the Simulium guianense s.l. larval habitat in the Amazonian focus of onchocerciasis, southern Venezuela