Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1531
Production and biochemical characterization of xylanases synthesized by the thermophilic fungus Rasamsonia emersonii S10 by solid-state cultivation
The xylanolytic enzyme complex hydrolyzes xylan, and these enzymes have various industrial applications. The goal of this work was to characterize the endoxylanases produced by the thermophilic fungus Rasamsonia emersonii ...
Solid-liquid extraction of cellulases from fungal solid-state cultivation in a packed bed bioreactor
Cellulases are enzymes required for the production of second-generation ethanol (E2G) via biochemical route. The current paper reports the development of an apparatus for solid-liquid extraction of cellulases from solid-state ...
Biotransformation And Bioconversion Of Phenolic Compounds Obtainment: An Overview
Spatial and Seasonal Variations of Pharmaceuticals and Endocrine Disruptors in the Atibaia River, Sao Paulo State (Brazil)
(Soc Brasileira QuimicaSao PauloBrasil, 2011)
Solid-state bioprocessing of sugarcane bagasse with Auricularia fuscosuccinea for phenolic compounds extraction
(Taylor & Francis, 2021-10)
Sugarcane bagasse is a natural source of phenolic compounds. However, these compounds are bound to lignocellulose components, reducing their ability to function as good antioxidants. These linkages are hydrolyzed by enzymes ...
UV/Vis spectroscopy combined with chemometrics for monitoring solid-state fermentation with Rhizopus microsporus var. oligosporus
BACKGROUND: Difficulties in bioprocess monitoring are a drawback of solid-state fermentation (SSF). Specifically, monitoring of enzyme activities in SSF is not an easy task. This work aimed to calibrate partial least squares ...
Extraction and characterization of polygalacturonase of Fomes sclerodermeus produced by solid-state fermentationExtracción y caracterización de poligaracturonasa de Fomes sclerodermeus producida por fermentación en estado sólido
(Asociación Argentina de Microbiología, 2010-04)
Se estudió la producción de poligalacturonasa (PG) por Fomes sclerodermeus usando técnicas de fermentación en estado sólido. La actividad PG máxima (26 U/g ps) fue observada entre los días 11 y 13. La actividad PG en los ...
Supercritical fluid extraction from Lippia alba: global yields, kinetic data, and extract chemical composition
(Elsevier B.V., 2005-06-01)
In this work, experimental data for the system Lippia alba + CO2 is presented. The major constituents of the L. alba volatile oil are limonene and carvone. Thus, literature data for the systems limonene + CO2 and carvone ...
Supercritical fluid extraction from Lippia alba: global yields, kinetic data, and extract chemical composition
(Elsevier B.V., 2005-06-01)
In this work, experimental data for the system Lippia alba + CO2 is presented. The major constituents of the L. alba volatile oil are limonene and carvone. Thus, literature data for the systems limonene + CO2 and carvone ...