Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1991
Soil dehydrogenase in a land degradation-rehabilitation gradient: observations from a savanna site with a wet/dry seasonal cycle
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2009)
Wetlands of the Magellanic Steppe (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina)
(Springer, 2009-09)
Our main objective was to classify vegetation and soils of wetlands in northern Tierra del Fuego (Argentina) along a latitudinal precipitation gradient within the Magellanic Steppe Zone. We presented the first detailed ...
Dependência espacial de atributos diagnósticos para delimitação de classes de solos
Soils are classified by their horizons and diagnostics attributes that can be grouped by similarities and provide information about their use. The knowledge the spatial variability of the diagnostic attributes used in the ...
Structure and diversity of restingas along a flood gradient in southeastern Brazil
(Acta Botanica Brasilica, 2018)
Spatial patterns of soil resources under different land use in Prosopis woodlands of the Monte desert
(Elsevier Science, 2017-02)
Changes in the spatial distribution of resources constitute an indicator of degradation of arid grazing lands. In arid and semi-arid ecosystems, the distribution of soil resources has been commonly associated with the ...
Soil respiration across a disturbance gradient in sclerophyllous ecosystems in central chile Respiración de suelos en un gradiente de perturbaciones en ecosistemas esclerófilos en Chile Central
(Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Facultad de Agronomia e Ingenieria Forestal, 2014)
Sclerophyllous shrubs and forests are predominant in semiarid Central Chile and have a long history of degradation by fire, cultivation, firewood extraction and grazing. The aim of this study was to compare the amount and ...