Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 75
SSM samba: a survey of brazilian approaches to soft systems methodology (1999-2005)
This paper reports the results of a survey intended to discover the manner in which Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) is understood and used in Brazil. The focus is upon SSM papers published in national and international ...
Messing about in transformations: structured systemic planning for systemic solutions to systemic problems
(Elsevier Science Bv, 2012-12-01)
The literature on multimethodology indicates that cognitive mapping is relevant to enriching the preliminary, information-gathering phase of Soft Systems Methodology (SSM), and especially the rich picture. By noting the ...
Qualidade em Serviços Logísticos: aplicação da Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) na avaliação da qualidade percebida quanto à distribuição dos medicamentos antirretrovirais do programa HIV/AIDS
(Universidade Federal de PernambucoUFPEBrasilPrograma de Pos Graduacao em Administracao, 2017)
Um estudo do processo de desenvolvimento de cultivares por intermédio da Soft Systems Methodology em uma instituição de pesquisa agropecuária
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2008-03-28)
The objective of this essay is to use digital models predictors for rchelon of a supply chain of pharmacist products and cosmetics, mainly for FMX Company that represents the weak echelon of the chain.The methodology is ...
Utilizando el léxico extendido del lenguaje (LEL) para potenciar soft system methodology (SSM)
En situaciones de crisis y ante circunstancias inesperadas los grupos operativos pueden sufrir una disgregación con consecuencias notables. Si bien las organizaciones cuentan con personal altamente calificado, estructuras ...
Rumo a um desenho técnico de um sistema de apoio à decisão para uma reconfiguração do soft systems methodology: o caso do planejamento sistêmico
A multidisciplinaridade da tomada de decisão sofre com as peculiaridades de qualquer campo multidisciplinar. A falta de comunicação, muitas vezes, gera problemas e as respostas que podem ser encontradas dentro de outras ...
Using soft systems methodology to align community projects with sustainability development in higher education stakeholders' networks in a Brazilian university
(John Wiley & SonsUS, 2021-09-29)
The purpose of this paper is to report on the use of the soft systems methodology (SSM) to enhance the role of the higher education institution (HEI) stakeholder's action networks in achieving the sustainable ...