Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 130
Microwave assisted ultra-fast method to synthesize carbonate-phosphates, Na3MCO3PO4 (M = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) - relevant materials applied in sodium-ion batteries
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilCOLTEC - COLEGIO TECNICOICX - DEPARTAMENTO DE QUÍMICAUFMG, 2020-01)
(1-x) Li1-yNayM1-zTizO2 x LiM2-zTizO4 Layered-Spinel nanoparticles as Promising dual positive electrode for Lithium-Ion Batteries and Sodium-Ion Batteries
(Centro de Investigación Innovación y Desarrollo de Materiales (CIDEMAT)Vancouver, Canadá, 2022)
Dynamic modelling of advanced battery energy storage system for Grid-Tied AC microgrid applications
(IntechOpen, 2013)
In the last decade, power generation technology innovations and a changing economic, financial, and regulatory environment of the power markets have resulted in a renewed interest in on-site small-scale electricity generation, ...
High energy density MnO4-/MnO42- redox couple for alkaline redox flow batteries
(Royal Society of Chemistry, 2016)
The MnO4-/MnO42- redox couple has a positive redox potential, high electrochemical reversibility and high solubility, up to 3.62 M at room temperature. Careful optimization of the electrolyte composition and the potential ...
Estudo computacional de sal de sódio como eletrólitos para sistemas de armazenamento de energia elétrica
(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2023-05-23)
A segurança energética é um tema crucial para a segurança econômica de um país, sendo as baterias uma das peças fundamentais para a garantia desta estabilidade. Atualmente a bateria de íon lítio possui algumas limitações ...
A promising carbon-based nanosheet as a suitable Na-anode material
(Elsevier B.V., 2021-06-01)
The development of new technologies in the search for efficient energy storage systems is combined with the development of materials that are efficient in this type of application, such as carbon-based nanosheets, a promising ...