Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 24
Descentralização federativa e plano estadual decenal de atendimento socioeducativo de Pernambuco: diagnóstico do quadro normativo subnacional enquanto fator indutor de efetivação de direitos fundamentais de adolescentes em cumprimento de medida socioeducativo de privação de liberdade.
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2022-02-17)
The present work aims to analyze how socio-educational policy has been apprehended from a subnational perspective, using the Decennial Plan for Socio-educational Service as an analysis tool, which outlines the guidelines ...
A prática da psicologia nas políticas públicas de ressocialização em Pernambuco
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2016-11-22)
The present study aims investigating the psychological clinic action within the scope of Public Policies of resocialization of adult prison population. For this purpose, it characterizes the prison institution and the ...
A prática da psicologia nas políticas públicas de ressocialização em Pernambuco
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2016-11-22)
The present study aims investigating the psychological clinic action within the scope of Public Policies of resocialization of adult prison population. For this purpose, it characterizes the prison institution and the ...
Adolescentes em conflito com a lei e a cultura do crime.
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2020-02-28)
The Federal Constitution of 1988 and the Child and Adolescent Statute implemented
in Brazil the Doctrine of Integral Protection, which puts children and adolescents in
conflict with the law, as subjects of rights and ...
Direitos humanos e política criminal : uma abordagem da justiça terapêutica como instrumento de intervenção judicial e reinserção social
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2012-04-13)
The present study aims to demonstrate the urgency for new models of Criminal Policy, as a defense mechanism and protection of citizenship, especially in relation to the issue of drugs and offenses arising in the face of ...
Resgate da alma: estudo sobre a atuação da Assembleia de Deus no presídio Dr. Rorinildo da Rocha Leão (Palmares-PE).
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2020-04-27)
In the midst of deprivation and other difficulties experienced by a person deprived
of liberty, religion appears as an important instrument of re-socialization. For
some, it is the only source of hope for achieving better ...
(Re)inserção social de consumidores de crack: percepção da autoeficácia e do suporte sociofamiliar.
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2019-12-13)
Based on the premise that the excessive consumption of drugs, especially crack, can cause
severe problems through social isolation, fights, rupture of family ties, unemployment,
among other conflicts, the efforts are ...
Egressos de um hospital psiquiátrico e sua reinserção na comunidade: perspectivas psicológicas e religiosidades.
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2021-03-04)
Patients suffer from the lack of preparation for life outside the psychiatric hospital, because the
care and protectionist practices of the old hospital-centered model are reinforced. Many of these
egresses are not even ...
Grupo terapêutico projetos de vida: contribuições no cotidiano de mulheres portadoras de transtornos mentais
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2016-06-02)
The question that pervaded this thesis was to examine to what extent the therapeutic groups
Life Projects, offered to women in psychological distress, give support to their social (re)
integration, particularly with regard ...