Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 122
Religião e Transformações Urbanas em Recife, Brasil
(Ciencias Sociales y Religión/Ciências Sociais e Religião, 2007)
A evangelização católica no Brasil e os desafios da internet
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2017-03-18)
This dissertation reflects on evangelization, the call for freedom for conversion to the Gospel and a commitment to the neighbor, the reason and central mission of Christianity, its foundations and its development in Brazil ...
Terço dos homens de Brasília Teimosa : identidade, gênero e subjetividade
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2014-01-16)
The male devotion around the rosary prayer has inspired the birth of several groups in parishes around the world. Through the experience of faith, devotees of the Mother Queen of Schoenstatt leaves the anonymity, calling ...
Terço dos homens de Brasília Teimosa : identidade, gênero e subjetividade
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2014-01-16)
The male devotion around the rosary prayer has inspired the birth of several groups in parishes around the world. Through the experience of faith, devotees of the Mother Queen of Schoenstatt leaves the anonymity, calling ...
O discurso sobre aborto em revistas católicas brasileiras Rainha e Família cristã(1980-1990)
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2012-03-30)
The eighties represent the moment in which establishes in Brazilian media, the macro event abortion, whose polemic aspects mobilize intense discussions by the Church and the feminist movement. They reverberate in the Press ...
O discurso sobre aborto em revistas católicas brasileiras Rainha e Família cristã(1980-1990)
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2012-03-30)
The eighties represent the moment in which establishes in Brazilian media, the macro event abortion, whose polemic aspects mobilize intense discussions by the Church and the feminist movement. They reverberate in the Press ...
As religiões de matriz africana e a intolerância religiosa: um retrato do racismo estrutural nos municípios de Recife, Olinda e Jaboatão 2010 - 2019.
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2021-04-29)
Brazil, in the Federal Constitution of the Republic, makes reference to the secularity of the
State, guaranteeing everyone freedom of belief and the free exercise of such prerogatives. It
also determines that no one will ...
Lo religioso, actor globalizado y globalizadorThe religious aspect, a globalized and globalizing actor
(Universidad de Caldas, 2011)
Lo religioso, actor globalizado y globalizadorThe religious aspect, a globalized and globalizing actor
(Universidad de Caldas, 2011)