Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 23419
Social media in education: Bringing your classroom to life [PowerPoint]
This presentation seeks to define the term "social media"; review research findings on social media in education; and suggest ways in which social media can be used in education
Benefício de Prestação Continuada (BPC): construindo possibilidades de avanço no acompanhamento de seus beneficiários
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2013-11-04)
This paper analyzes aspects regarding the Cash Benefit (BPC). Making an analysis with
the beneficiaries of this benefit in the municipality of Mato Spanish, Rio Grande do Sul
Seeking to further realize this benefit while ...
Cash transfers for families and children in Argentina, Brazil and Chile: segmented expansion or universal benefits?
(Cambridge University Press, 2018-01)
Over the past two decades, most Latin American countries have developed cash transfer programmes for poor and low income families not covered by the social security system. These programmes now benefit about 127 million ...
The Role of Consciousness in Accelerating Business as an Agent of World Benefit
The call of our times is no longer for factories that produce
goods (the “widgets” of neoclassical economics) to satisfy material consumption, irrespective of the harm done to society. It is for an entirely new
form of ...
SOCIAL BENEFITS OF THE FORESTBenefícios indiretos da floresta.
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 1999)
Using benefits and costs estimations to manage conservation: Chile’s protected areas
(Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2016-01)
Despite the relevance of protected areas as biodiversity conservation tools, indicators of cost-benefit analysis of both
public and private protected areas has been scarce in the literature. In this paper, we estimate and ...