Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 48
In praise of the Kingdom. Rafael Gambra and the claim of political traditionalism.
This article discusses the reformulation of the monarchical thought made by Rafael Gambra, in continuity with the political traditionalism of the 19th and 20th centuries. The notion of “Kingdom” helps the author to settle ...
In praise of the Kingdom. Rafael Gambra and the claim of political traditionalism.
This article discusses the reformulation of the monarchical thought made by Rafael Gambra, in continuity with the political traditionalism of the 19th and 20th centuries. The notion of “Kingdom” helps the author to settle ...
Democratic statecraft: Tocqueville, democracy in America: part 1 [Introduction to political philosophy]
(Yale University, Open Yale Courses, 2016)
Democratic statecraft: Tocqueville, democracy in America: part 1 [Introduction to political philosophy]
(Yale University, Open Yale Courses, 2011)
Granting of services in cortes for the Strait War, and episcopal endorsement of the Castilian MonarchyEl otorgamiento de servicios en cortes para la Guerra del Estrecho y el favor episcopal a la Monarquía CastellanaA concessão de serviços em cortes para a “Guerra del Estrecho” e episcopal ajuda a Monarquia Castelhano
(Instituto de Historia de España. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Universidad Católica Argen, 2017)
Gouverner les campagnes Analyse micro-sociale et construction institutionnelle (Río de la Plata, fin du XVIIIe siècle)Governing the countryside: Microsocial analysis and institutional construction (Río de la Plata, end of the 18th century)
(Cambridge University Press, 2018-03)
À la fin du xviiie siècle, la monarchie hispanique imagina de nouvelles solutions pour gouverner ses territoires compris entre le Sud de l’Amazonie, le détroit de Magellan et la cordillère andine. Peuplées de cultivateurs ...
El otorgamiento de servicios en cortes para la Guerra del Estrecho y el favor episcopal a la Monarquía CastellanaGranting of services in cortes for the Strait War, and episcopal endorsement of the Castilian MonarchyA concessão de serviços em cortes para a “Guerra del Estrecho” e episcopal ajuda a Monarquia Castelhano
(Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Departamento de Historia, 2016)
Resumen: los reyes de Castilla siempre fueron conscientes de la necesidad de contar con el respaldo de sus obispos a la hora de emprender, gestionar o solucionar los más variados cometidos. A lo largo de los reinados de ...
Governing the Countryside: Microsocial Analysis and Institutional Construction in Late Eighteenth-Century Río de la Plata
(Cambridge University Press, 2021-03-08)
At the end of the eighteenth century, the Hispanic Monarchy imagined new solutions for governing its territories between the south of the Amazon, the Strait of Magellan, and the Andean cordillera. Populated by farmers and ...
Modos de representación y temporalización del orden social en el Tucumán colonial: Un estudio comparativo de cabildos, visitas y juicios de residenciaWays of representing and temporalizing social order in colonial Tucumán: A comparative study of cabildos, visitas and juicios de residencia
(Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2019-02)
Este artículo examina tres instituciones que integraban la estructura política y jurídica impuesta por la monarquía hispana en las colonias americanas, en el contexto de la gobernación del Tucumán durante los siglos XVII ...