Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 107974
Physical education as a space for social transformation and education: Perspectives from the social imaginaries and educational motricity [La educación física como espacio de transformación social y educativa: Perspectivas desde los imaginarios sociales y la ciencia de la motricidad humana*]
(Universidad Austral de Chile, 2012)
Social media in education: Bringing your classroom to life [PowerPoint]
This presentation seeks to define the term "social media"; review research findings on social media in education; and suggest ways in which social media can be used in education
Alianza estado-sociedad civil co-gestión de políticas de inclusión educativa orientadas a adolescentes, jóvenes y adultos, en Uruguay y Argentina
(Universidad de San Andrés. Escuela de Educación, 2017)
Music education models in the 21st century: the music mediation model for social engagement
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2022)
Inclusive Education in the Educational Project of MST
(Univ Metodista Piracicaba-unimep, 2015-01-01)
This paper aims at discussing some elements regarding inclusive education in the educational project of the Landless Workers' Movement (MST). The study comprises literature review and desk research. The theoretical framework ...
Sexual education and the role of the educator: Reflections from a transformative social context
(Univ Nove Julho, 2020-01-01)
Sex education is one of the most controversial subjects due to the various thoughts and ideas composed of different values present in society. Among the researchers who venture to invest in understanding sexuality are ...
La educación especial en la República Argentina
(Instituto Interamericano del Niño (OEA), 1988)
La educación especial en la República Argentina. Aproximación metodológica a su tratamiento estadístico
Chile: academic performance and educational management under a rigid employment regime
Working with census information on standardized academic performance tests and using different estimation techniques, this article analyses sociodemographic and management factors affecting the performance of Chile's ...