Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 69
Thermodynamics, transition dynamics, and texturing in polymer-dispersed liquid crystals with mesogens exhibiting a direct isotropic/smectic-A transition
(American Chemical Society, 2009-12-23)
Experimental and modeling/simulation studies of phase equilibrium and growth morphologies of novel polymer-dispersed liquid crystal (PDLC) mixtures of PS (polystyrene) and liquid crystals that exhibit a direct isotropic/smectic-A ...
Crystallography and the liquid crystal phase: a new approach to structural studies on a thermo-tropic smectic Schiff base
(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2018-01)
In spite of the apparent contradiction between ‘liquid crystals’ (LC, materials exhibiting some degree of disorder) and ‘crystallography’ (a paradigmatic ordered kingdom), X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies make a substantial ...
Proton field-cycling nucler magnetic resonance relaxometry in the smectic A mesophase of thermotropic cyanobiphenyls: Effects of sonication
(American Institute of Physics, 2004-07)
Field-cycling nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxometry was used to study the spin-lattice relaxation dispersion of selected standard smectic A liquid crystals at different temperatures. Relaxation features at both, in ...
The Topology Of Dislocations In Smectic Liquid Crystals
(IOP Publishing LtdBristol, 2016)
Nonlinear dynamics of short traveling capillary-gravity waves
We establish a Green-Nagdhi model equation for capillary-gravity waves in (2+1) dimensions. Through the derivation of an asymptotic equation governing short-wave dynamics, we show that this system possesses (1 + 1) ...
Nonlinear dynamics of short traveling capillary-gravity waves
We establish a Green-Nagdhi model equation for capillary-gravity waves in (2+1) dimensions. Through the derivation of an asymptotic equation governing short-wave dynamics, we show that this system possesses (1 + 1) ...
Side chain liquid crystalline composites, occurrence of interdigitated bilayer smectic c phases
We report on the results of X-ray investigations in two series of polymer monomer composites, PM6Rm-33 and PMnR12-33, which consist of mixtures of achiral liquid crystalline side chain polymers and their monomers. These ...
Weirdest Martensite: Smectic Liquid Crystal Microstructure And Weyl-poincaré Invariance
(American Physical Society, 2016)
The Topology Of Dislocations In Smectic Liquid Crystals
(Institute of Physics Publishing, 2016)